
在主题演讲中,我们将对比芬兰和中国创业环境。来自芬兰的Aaltoes (全球创业创新社区SLUSH的孕育机构) 将为我们带来芬兰的开放创新文化。在这里,大学生被鼓励和支持去做他们认为必要的和鼓舞人心的事情。怀揣远大梦想、勇往直前、不断试错,这些都为青年创造了更好的成长环境。
来自DSC(设计冲刺中国)的 Jade 将会为初创公司带来一个为期五天产品设计框架和创新思维模式,比如以人为本,快速迭代,用手思考等。设计冲刺为初创团队提供了一条敏捷和精益的创业路径。


召集人:Riku Suonsivu

Aaltoes Head of International and Academic Relations
Representing Aaltoes the biggest Student run entrepreneurship organization in Europe. Boosting Finnish economy and startup scene since 2009, our mentor network includes all the biggest influencers in Finland, Aaltoes ecosystem offers number 1 platform for self development towards successful entrepreneurship, Built: Finnish Startup ecosystem, movements like SLUSH, JUNCTION (Europe’s biggest hackathon), Inspiration, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, over 300 events


时间:4月28日 9:00~12:00
地点:云栖小镇会展中心 1#107


召集人:Lauri Kaijasilta

Aaltoes, Vice President, Head of Financials
Representing Aaltoes the biggest Student run entrepreneurship organization in Europe. Boosting Finnish economy and startup scene since 2009, our mentor network includes all the biggest influencers in Finland, Aaltoes ecosystem offers number 1 platform for self development towards successful entrepreneurship, Built: Finnish Startup ecosystem, movements like SLUSH, JUNCTION (Europe’s biggest hackathon), Inspiration, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, over 300 events


时间:4月28日 9:00~12:00
地点:云栖小镇会展中心 1#107


召集人:Jade 赵玉宏




召集人:Lauri Kaijasilta

Aaltoes, Vice President, Head of Financials
Representing Aaltoes the biggest Student run entrepreneurship organization in Europe. Boosting Finnish economy and startup scene since 2009, our mentor network includes all the biggest influencers in Finland, Aaltoes ecosystem offers number 1 platform for self development towards successful entrepreneurship, Built: Finnish Startup ecosystem, movements like SLUSH, JUNCTION (Europe’s biggest hackathon), Inspiration, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, over 300 events


时间:4月28日 9:00~12:00
地点:云栖小镇会展中心 1#107